The Most Commonly Used Methods for Weakness Analysis from the Point of View of an Organization

Richard C. Leonov  a and and H. E. Tsuei b,*

a Caring International Education, Australia
bCrisis Management Society of Taiwan, R. O. C.   


  Most of the crisis might show early warning signs repeatedly. If the organization ignores or pays no attention to those warning signs, the crisis might expand and cause unbearable loss. Although early warning signs of some crises were difficult to detect in advance, those crises are still traceable by applying specific detection methods, especially with the highly advanced information technology development, which offers sufficient tools and methods to detect those early warnings. The information detection mechanism cannot detect all crisis signs in the organization; thus, better daily training and insight cultivation can effectively intensify warning signs detection. To detect those problems and weaknesses that might spread and infiltrate the organization and detonate a crisis outbreak.
  This article proposed two methods for Weakness Analysis to differentiate organizational weakness from operational goals: the interview method and Vulnerability assessment. Hopefully, these approaches might detect crises early enough to use the minimum resources to solve mass loss generated by improper crisis management. 

KEYWORDS: Crisis Detection; Crisis Prevention; Crisis Detection; Weakness Identification; Vulnerability Assessment

DOI: 10.6929/IJCM.202501_15(1).0004